英文契約書の単語と用語 日時・期限・期間について(その1)

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1. 英文契約書の「日時・期限・期間」の単語・用語


2. 契約の締結日


This Sales Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “this Agreement”), made and entered into this first day of June, 20xx, by and between:

(1) ABC Corporation, a company organized and existing under the laws of the state of California, and having its principal office at xxx, Los Angeles, California xxxxx, U.S.A. (hereinafter called “ABC”), and

(2) XYZ Company, a company organized and existing under the laws of Japan, and having its principal office at xxx, 1-chome, Kunitachi City, Tokyo 186-0001, Japan (hereinafter called “XYZ”),  これ以外にも様々な様式の記述方法があります。

3.  契約の発効日、契約期間、契約の満了日等


This agreement shall take effect on MMDDYY and shall expire on MMDD, 20xx.(本契約は MMDD20XX に発効し、MMDD 20XX に満了する)

This Agreement shall become effective on MMDD, 20xx, and shall remain in full force for the period of xxxx years from MMDD, 20xx, unless sooner terminated in accordance with terms hereof.(本契約は、20xx 年 MMDD に発効し、本契約の条件に従って中途解約される場合を除き、20xx 年 MMDD から xxxx 年の期間有効である。)

This Agreement shall take effect on MMDD, 20xx, and shall remain in full force until MMDDYY、unless xxxxxxxxxxx

This Agreement shall commence on MMDD, 20xx, and shall continue to and through MMDDYY.

This Agreement shall come to in effect on MMDD, 20xx and shall remain in effect for three (3) years unless sooner terminated pursuant to the terms hereof.

This Agreement shall be effective from the 1st of January, 20xx and remain in full force for the period of xx years from that date.

契約の発効日、契約期間等の記載にかかわらず「remain in full force」は、定型句として、例えば、「This legal obligation shall remain in full force and effect at all times.」などと良く目にします。「有効である」という意味ですが、文脈や訳者により訳し方は、様々です。

「発効する」の表現は、例文のtake effect、become effectiveのほか、例えばxxx shall commence on MMDDYY、comes into force on MMDDYY等、様々です。

4. 契約の更新または延長


Term of this Agreement shall be two (2) year from the effective date hereof and thereafter shall be automatically extended for successive period of one (1) year each, unless either party shall have otherwise notified to other party.(本契約の期間は、本契約の発効日から 2 年とし、その後、いずれかの当事者が相手方に別段の通知をする場合を除き、その後、1年ずつ自動的に延長されます)

If neither party notify the other party of any declaration of intention at least one (1) month prior to the expiration of the term of this Agreement, it shall be automatically extended for one (1) year and thereafter the same shall be applied.(いずれの当事者も、本契約の期間が終了する少なくとも1か月前までに相手方になんらの意思表示も行わない場合、本契約は自動的に1年間延長され、その後も同様とする)

Subject to the provisions of Article XX (Termination) of this Agreement, the term of this Agreement shall commence on the effective date and shall remain in effect for XX years (the “Term”) unless sooner terminated pursuant to the terms of this Agreement or renewed pursuant to mutual agreement of the parties hereof.

This Agreement shall valid for the period of xxx year after the effective date and shall be automatically extended on for successive periods of one (1) year each, unless either party shall have otherwise notified to other party. 






The New Oxford Dictionary of English (Oxford University Press)

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